Fridge Defend by ARP Protects your Dometic or Norcold

Fridge Defend by ARP® controls the high temperatures that can lead to fridge failure and safety issues, our fan controller improves efficiency and repairs fan problems without removal of the fridge in most cases for Dometic, Norcold & Amish RV Refrigerators.

The following is a guide that explains the difference between the Fridge Defend versions. Also, the advantages of one version of control over the other.

Table of Contents

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What Does the Fridge Defend Do?

The Fridge Defend by ARP is a patented automatic temperature monitoring device that increases efficiency:

•  PATENTED:  Dometic nor Norcold refrigerators or recalls protect your RV the way the Fridge Defend does.

•  TEMPERATURE MONITORING:  It is just smart to monitor boiler temperature. If your Dometic or Norcold cooling unit overheats, the Fridge Defend senses the "abnormal temperatures" and Defends your fridge by turning off the heater that is causing the overheating. Nether Dometic nor Norcold can make this claim.

•  AUTOMATIC:  The Fridge Defend automatically detects boiler overheating and will restart the fridge when safe to do so. Both Dometic and Norcold will turn off the fridge based on their commonly called "Band-Ade" - so called fixes for known failure & fire issues. This leaves you stranded and in need of expensive service by a tech that may not even understand the system.

•  EFFICIENCY:  Aside from safety, the most important improvement is the daily use of your RV refrigerator. The Fridge Defend improves the performance of your RV refrigerator:

1) PROTECT FRIDGE & FOOD: When your boiler overheats, the inside of the fridge starts warming, thus your food can rot. In hot weather, the Fridge Defend will turn off the heater because there is no refrigerant being produced. This prevents the boiler from heating the inside of the fridge. When the fridge can start producing refrigerant again, the Fridge Defend automatically restarts the fridge to keep you fridge nice and cold inside.

2) FAN CONTROLLER: The Fridge Defend with fan controller option is engineered using fluid dynamics, the study of air flow, to efficiently remove the heat that is naturally generated by your cooling unit. Using blowers that are designed by us to save energy, but yet have the correct amount of cooling air, in both hot and cold weather, makes for a perfect all weather controller.

ARP Control Ratings Speak for Themselves

Average Star Rating: 4.8 Stars of 163 reviews.

Please click here for ARP Ratings Home Page

#1 v5.0 Basic ARP Control Kit


Our Standard device comes with everything needed to install it yourself - the Controller, Platinum Temperature Probe, wiring, screws and wire connectors (some installs require unique power and ground connectors not included).


This control offers economy and ease of use while fully protecting your fridge from boiler overheating. The v5.0 may be used on all Dometic and Norcold & Amish fridges with roof type venting for the cooling unit with some exceptions, please see purchase page for details. Please see the Norcold and Dometic specific install pages for more information.

Relevant Links

Demonstration ARP Control on Norcold Refrigerator

Why RV Refrigerators Fail

Why is ARP Necessary

#2 v5.11 ARP + Fan Control


The ARP + Fan Control is the last word in RV fridge control. In addition to the great protection offered by the standard ARP, the Fan Controller has a precision temperature sensor that precisely controls when your fans run, this results in a safe and efficient RV fridge. 


This item comes without fans so the end user can use their existing fans if they wish. This control can be used on any Dometic or Norcold fridge to improve the efficiency. In our testing we found that using our blower fan with the ARP + Fan Control in a roof vented type cooling unit, the fridge ran about 25% less time in hot weather, this is a huge efficiency increase!

For side-vent or slide-out cooling unit installations this is a must have item. This is because these installations have known cooling air circulation issues. We recommend using one of the controls below that comes with a power blower fan in side-vent or slide-out cooling unit installations. To better understand what a side-vent install is, please click on the RV Fridge Fan link below and look at the second drawing on this page.

Relevant Links

RV Fridge Fan

RV Slide-Out Fridge Fan

Proper Fan Install

The price for the v5.11 ARP + Fan Control is $199.50, click here to order.

#3 v5.11 ARP Fridge Protection Control with Fan Controller and 1 Fan


This is the above described ARP + Fan Control with the exception that it is sold with one high volume blower fan. See fan specifications below.


We recommend the #3 package for roof vent applications. One blower mounted properly will work in most applications if economy is desired. The next control (#4) is recommended for side-vent applications to further increase efficiency.

Relevant Links

RV Fridge Fan

RV Slide-Out Fridge Fan

Proper Fan Install

The price for the v5.11 ARP + Fan Control + High Efficiency Blower Fan is $229.50, click here to order.

#4 v5.11 ARP Fridge Protection Control with Fan Controller and 2 Fans


This is the above described ARP + Fan Control with the exception that it is sold with 2 high volume blower fans. See fan specifications below.


We recommend the #4 package for roof vent and side-vent applications. Having one fan at the bottom and one at the top vent really moves the air! The second image shows the side-vent type fridge install with a blower mounted on the top vent door. This has the advantage of sucking the hot air out of the top of the cooling unit compartment.

The following image is the lower fan pushing the cool air up so that the upper fan has a boost making it easier to get that hot air away from your RV.

Relevant Links

RV Fridge Fan

RV Slide-Out Fridge Fan

Proper Fan Install

The price for the v5.11 ARP + Fan Control + 2 High Efficiency Blower Fans is $259.50, click here to order.

#5 Quiet High Performance Blower Fan

Low Noise If your fridge needs help cooling, we had this blower fan built just for your RV. It is a 12 VDC @ 0.3 amp datasheet specification, ball bearing blower with dimensions of 120 x 120 x 32mm. This centrifugal blower moves 25 cubic feet per minute of cool air across your cooling unit. The speed is 1800 RPM and the noise is a quiet 39 decibels. This fan has the best power, noise, and air flow performance for your fridge!

NOTE: We recommend 2 blowers, one top and the other bottom for side-vent applications. If you have the small bottom vent door like is found on some Winnebago's we recommend 2 blowers, one top in the roof vent and the other bottom on the small vent door.

The price per High Efficiency Blower Fan is $38.00, click here to order.

#6 The Last Word in Fridge Troubleshooting

Relevant Links

We have very limited availability on our "Data/Interface/Monitoring" Absorption Refrigerator Controller. This particular device is also installed inside the RV. The difference is it has a "Data Port" for computer interface monitoring. A Software interface package for a PC is included with this product.

Data Interface Controller

NOTE: Data Collection devices are not going to be produced for the next production run. Please use the Contact Us in the info menu at bottom of page if you would like to purchase one of these diagnostic devices while supplies last.

The Data/Interface Absorption Refrigerator Controller is available for $220.00, click here to order.

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Introducing the Fridge Defend Series of Control by ARP

If you do not have a v4.x or newer Fridge Defend by ARP, you are missing out on some very cool benefits (pun intended). The v5.1 Fridge Defend controls have the following improvements recommended for all Dometic and Norcold RV fridge. Here is a list of refrigerators that see large improvement with our new controls: Norcold N3150, 1200 & 1210 series, and the 2118 series.. Also, improvements are needed on all Dutch Aire (Amish) cooling unit and Dometic side-by-side fridges including the RM1350.

The v5.1 controls, all of the factory settings can be restored by the push of a button.

An advanced proportional-integrated-derivative (PID) control scheme has been added. The advantage to this type of control method is temperature tracking which improves control of new style Norcold, older Dometic, and high quality aftermarket cooling units such as Dutch Aire (Amish) and other makes.

Starting with the v4.x series of controls, introduces a smart startup error checking system, if errors exist, they are reported on the display. In addition, every day the control will check itself again. The daily periodic test is combined with the algorithm that stops the fridge from going into the defrost cycle which improves cooling performance in hot weather. If the user chooses, the periodic test and defrost defeat cycle can be turned off.

v5.1 Fridge Defend Introduces New Level of Safety

Introducing a new pinnacle of development for an RV refrigerator safety device. Fridge Defend, the leading add-on for the prevention of RV refrigerator fires, now meets international safety standards which surpass Dometic and Norcold safety devices. RV fridge fires are a real problem. The Fridge Defend is a real solution that prevents the overheating of the fridge boiler.

The new Fridge Defend model v5.x is designed with international safety standards at its core, taking the safety controller to an international level of performance. What does this mean? International standards require a stricter level of self-testing than what is required by present RV standards. For example, any fired boiler such as found in a Dometic or Norcold absorption refrigerator is required to have safety protection to help prevent fires. The v5.x Fridge Defend brings your fridge up to the standards considered acceptable internationally, using the design principles established by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

v5.1 improved fan controller increases fridge cooling efficiency by adding more cooling fans with increased control range (can handle up to 5 amps of fans!). In addition, the fan temperatures are easier to fine tune with 5 degree steps for all settings.

Increased number of cooling unit parameters stored resulting in accurate history which makes the RV Tech's diagnostics job faster and easier. For example, if a wire has a short on it, it is reported for ease of troubleshooting.

The error reporting takes into account the cleanliness of the power supply which can be an issue on many RV's. The RV industry has coined the term "clean power", thus we make sure that the delivery of power to your fridge is reported in a manner that can be used to confirm power issues that affect your fridge. This function has been moved to the main display so the end user can easily check their own power without special equipment.

We are sorry to say that these features are not available on the older ARP Control.

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Total Dimensions

Fridge Defend Housing: 4.06" x 2.07" x 0.57" (inch)

Blower Fan: 4.72" x 4.72" x 1.26" (inch)

These images give all of the dimensions for the Fridge Defend when combined with the Quiet High Performance Blower Fan and the Circuit Breaker sections above.

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